The nominees have not been posted long on, but actors Lara Dutta and R Madhavan have already taken the early lead in PETA India's annual Hottest Vegetarian Celebrity poll. Running close behind in the race for the title are Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Vidya Balan and Amitabh Bachchan. The poll runs until January 9.
''Going vegetarian is not only a great way to trim your waist, but you will be shrinking your carbon footprint too", says Dutta. ''I love that my diet is as kind to the planet as it is to animals and my health!''
Madhavan, a longtime PETA supporter, says, "For me, being a vegetarian is about being compassionate. I love animals, so I would never eat them. Having a healthy heart is a great bonus, but I'd rather people think of me as having a good soul and a kind heart."
"There's no hotter combination than passion and compassion", says PETA India's chief functionary, Poorva Joshipura. "Who can resist a vegetarian? Vegetarians live longer and are healthier than their meat-eating counterparts, and they have hearts of gold."
Other top vote getters in the contest so far include Aditi Govitrikar, Shashi Tharoor, Rahul Sharma, Amala Akkineni, Hema Malini, Pankaj Advani, Vivek Oberoi, Mallika Sherawat and Amrita Rao.
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